Thou are snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth – Proverbs 6:2.
Words are actions, they can either be negative or positive. If we stopped and paid attention to the words we speak throughout the day about ourselves and others, we would be surprised at how much negativity comes out of our mouths.
Our words come to hunt us days, months, and even years after we have spoken them. This is why we must pay attention to what we’re saying and not just allow words to flow without thinking of the consequences of spoken words.
For example, you may be facing a physical challenge, yes, you face reality, but you speak the word of God that you are healed. Some people talk about how broke they are not realizing as they continue to speak about being broke, they will stay broke. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God, your situation and circumstances reflect what you’re speaking.
Your spirit is hearing what you’re saying, therefore, removing faith and placing it with doubt and unbelief. Snared means to be captured or overtaken, we receive the fruit of our lips whether its positive or negative.
As Christian women, we must look and face everything with the mind of Christ. If we believe in God, we must believe in His Word. The Bible has an answer to everything that comes into our lives, but we must read the Bible to see what it says about our circumstances.
God’s Word is life and they are spiritual, they defeat the adversary that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. When the adversary comes against your body, family, finances, or whatever you must stand up and fight for what belongs to you.
Whether you know it or not, as a Christian you are in a spiritual battle with unseen forces. These are spirits sent from Satan to take what God has given you. This is why we have been admonished to pray with supplications to make our request to be known to God.
When you speak God’s Word, God backs you up because He will not allow His Words to return to Him void. But when you speak negative words over yourself and circumstances, Satan takes the words and brings them into manifestation.
Whatever comes into your life, speak God’s Word, believe what you speak, and you will see a manifestation in God’s appointed time.