And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you – Exodus 3:14.
There are three primary names of God: Elohim (God), Jehovah or Yahweh (The Unchangeable, Intimate God), and Adonai (Lord and Master). Each of these names emphasizes a different aspect of the nature of God.
God’s name reveals His nature and points us to our inheritance, El-Shaddai: The God who is sufficient, Jehovah-Shalom: The God of Peace, Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals, Jehovah-M’Kaddesh: The God Who Sanctifices, Jehovah-Jireh: The God Who Provides. God has hundreds of names, but extraordinary characteristics are revealed in just these five names.
The Lord’s prayer is one of the most recited in Scripture. The first line in the Lord’s prayer serves as the groundwork for the entire passage and is the foundation of His blessing in our lives. Jesus began by saying, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name”. He taught us that we need to pause and revere God’s name in our hearts.
We need to meditate on the holiness and purity of His names until they become embedded in our lifestyles. When we honor God’s names in this way, people would see the Spirit of the living God resting upon our lives.
If you’re a child of God, you have been called out of darkness into His marvelous light. You are a new creation in Him. The old is gone and you’re living in a new lifestyle that represents your Father. Being a child of God you have been blessed with benefits.
Just as a natural father has the responsibility of providing and protecting his children, our Heavenly Father is much greater than our earthly fathers, and as children of God, we must begin to believe that He is for us and not against us.
God always supplies the needs of His people El-Shaddai – Whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, financial, or relational. Jehovah-Shalom – God is peace, He’s not the author of confusion. He will give you peace in your mind, heart, and spirit as well as your home when you call on His great name. Jehovah-Rapha – He’s the God that heals, He is our great Physician, He will be what you need Him to be. Jehovah-M’Kaddesh – He is the God that sanctifies, God wants you to be separated from the world’s actions and present yourself to Him completely. When we do this, no weapon formed against you will prosper. Jehovah-Jireh – God will provide protection, strength, joy, and love. All this comes in the strength of His name and your benefits as a child of God.
Seek after Him with your whole heart, don’t allow people and things to keep you from spending time with the One that loves you with an everlasting love. Just as you want your spouse to spend time with you, God wants you to take the time and spend time with Him.