But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you Matthew 6:33.
Staying focused is something we all need to work on. As women, we set out to do one thing and before you know it we’re multitasking things we can leave for a later day.
Staying focused is crucial for our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Sometimes we get easily distracted and it hinders our progress. There are things we can leave for later rather than trying to finish everything in one day as though we don’t have another day to accomplish it.
Sadly, most of our distractions do not come with things we normally do, but when it comes to making a commitment to spiritual things that’s when we get distracted the most. You may have said, I’m going to get up earlier so that I will have time to pray before going to work or I will read my Bible before retiring to bed.
Morning comes, and you find something else that needs to be done. Before going to bed, you think of something that needs to be done, its distractions, distractions that are keeping you from getting connected with your heavenly Father.
Women of God, we need God like we need to breathe if we want to continue as true Christians, good wives, mothers, employers, employees, and business owners. The Adversary knows if he can keep you distracted you will not access the things God has for you.
God wants you to know Him and He wants to know you. The only way you will get to know Him is by spending time with Him in prayer, reading, and studying His Word. God’s Word gives us instructions for daily living, anything that may come into your life, God’s Word has an answer for it.
Praying keeps you connected with the Father, and enables you to hear when He’s talking to you or if He’s leading you in a certain direction. Staying focused on being in connection with your heavenly Father is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family.