
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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But with thee will I establish My covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and the son’s wives with thee – Genesis 6:18.

The Lord is concerned about families and their well-being. It is God who created husbands and wives in the Garden of Eden, it is He who gave Adam and Eve children, and it is He who sanctioned male and female.

It does not matter what legislatures approve, God created male and female and joined them in marriage in the Garden of Eden; God has not changed, nor has His Word. God had the sense to know that two males or two women would not be able to reproduce, so He created them male and female (Male and female created He them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created – Genesis 5:2). Even if one change their gender, they will always be what they were born, male or female. The genitalia can be altered but the genetics can’t be changed.

God had become so angry with the world that He was going to destroy it because of the wickedness of mankind. Noah had found favor with God, God instructed him to build an ark, and once the ark was completed He and his family were to enter the ark before the destruction came.

The ark would be a safe place for Noah and His family. Christians are now the ark of safety for their families. Those of you who are truly Christians have a covenant with God that you and your household will be saved (For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; now are they holy – 1st Corinthians 7:14). It does not matter how they are acting, or how long they are doing what they are doing you have to stand on God’s Word for your family.

Don’t take down, don’t give up, but continue to keep your family in prayer. The Adversary is after the families; destroying marriages, and division between siblings, mother and father. Destroying the families with alcoholism, drug addiction, disobedience, and murder. There is no time to patty caking prayer. Prayer with faith and authority for your family!

Let your lifestyle be that of the instruction of the Bible. You may have received salvation and your spouse or children have not. Don’t be a stumbling block to them by your lifestyle. If you live according to God’s Word, God will save your family. Don’t confuse your family as being a Christian on Sunday and Monday through Saturday you’re living like a nonbeliever.

Yes, sometimes it’s hard as a Christian when your spouse is not saved or has a religion. God will sustain you and your marriage if you continue to seek after God and His righteousness. Your children may be on drugs or selling drugs, don’t get discouraged, God knows you by name and He will save your children or grandchildren.

It’s your responsibility to pray for your family daily. Be like Job; he made a sacrifice daily for his children because he said to himself they may have sinned against God. Your sacrifice would be your prayer for your family and thanksgiving for what He has already done or doing for your family.

God answers prayers, He’s still saving, delivering, and healing, so we have to ask for it, and as we ask He will answer the prayer. A wish will not be answered, but a prayer will.

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