
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty – 1st Timothy 2:1-2.

If we want to see a change in the government, we must begin to pray for a change. Walk-a-thons and protests will only change for a limited time; prayer is required if we want a change. God did not tell us to do walk-a-thons and protests; He said to pray!

The President, Assistant President, Congress, Senators, and House of Representatives need the people’s prayers to have hearts to reverence God and His Word. When people are in authority and have the reverence of God in their hearts, they will have the people’s best interest at heart.

Those who do not reverence God or His Word pass laws and regulations that oppose God’s laws. They passed a law years ago to remove prayer from schools and places of employment; when prayer was removed, drugs, alcohol, and guns entered the classrooms. Mass murders at places of employment.

Laws were passed where parents couldn’t discipline their children without being jailed. Children became disobedient and rebellious to their parents because they knew they wouldn’t be disciplined. Crime and murder have increased because of different laws that were passed by those who were in authority.

Those who are supposed to protect the people are killing the people, and they don’t suffer the consequences of their crimes. Why has not a law been passed for innocent people being murdered by the police? Why aren’t people of color protected from those who discriminate?

Millions of minorities are entering the United States when people in the United States are hungry and homeless and not receiving the funding and housing they should be receiving from the government when others can enter the country and receive everything they need, from housing, finances, and free education.

Prayer is needed, and God is the only One that can make the changes when we pray (If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land – 2nd Chronicles 7:14. Those in authority need our prayers, we need a government that is for the people and not against the people.

Talking about it, protesting, and organizing walk-a-thons will not change the hearts of those in authority; prayer can. Pray for those in authority daily. As Christians pray consistently, we will see a change in our governments and the world’s system. God moves in circumstances and situations when prayer is conducted.

If we want to see change; we must pray, God does not move until He hears someone praying!

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