
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it – Ephesians 5:25.

Marriage is honorable and sacred to God; this is why Satan fights against marriage because he knows it is holy. He knows if both husband and wife are saved, they can’t hurt his kingdom tremendously.

Marriage was ordained in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. God brought Adam’s wife to him (And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man – Genesis 2:23). Adam called Eve his wife, and they were a couple in the Garden. Marriage is honorable, and God’s desire for every marriage is to be enjoyable and not tolerable.

Marriage is work; both spouses have to contribute to the marriage if it will last. First of all, Christians know to acknowledge God before getting married, but sometimes they are so anxious to be married they think they heard from God and it was their spirit that spoke to them and not God.

Three voices speak to us: God, Satan, and our spirit; we must discern which spirit is speaking; listening to the wrong voice can bring heartaches. When we want something bad enough, we can be misled by our spirit. Even when we make a mistake, God can always correct it; rather than making a mistake, be prayerful about who you marry.

God will never send you a spouse who will mistreat you in any form or fashion. God will send you a godly man, one that loves Him, and when He loves God, He will love you! Even with a God-sent man, marriages will have problems at times, but that does not mean you’ll have fallen out of love with one another. True love never dies, and it gets better with the age of the marriage.

When you know there is a problem, the problem needs to be addressed, but in a respectful way. If the problem concerns finances, come together and find ways to eliminate the problem without the blame game. If you think your spouse is being unfaithful, don’t accuse your spouse of infidelity if you don’t have proof.

Whatever the problem, it’s not too big that God can’t resolve it. Don’t wait for problems to hit your marriage before you start praying for it. Before marriage and after marriage, you should pray for your spouse and your marriage.

One thing women make mistakes in is that they think they can change their husbands. No one can change anyone; only God can do that. Do a self-examination; don’t always put everything on your spouse; there will be some areas in you that need improvements.

When you speak to your spouse with love and draw him with love, you will receive the love you desire to receive from him. Men aren’t as verbal or affectionate as women, but you can assist him in expressing his love towards you.

Marriage is holy and honorable in the eyes of God, and He will help you to keep it happy and enjoyable.

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