Before I formed thee in the belly (womb) I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations – Jeremiah 1:5.
You were not an accident or a mistake, as some would say you were. God knew you before you were created. God knew who your father would be even if your mother didn’t know. God summoned you to come forth.
Many children have been told by their parents they were an accident or mistake, not taking into consideration what a mark this would be on the child. Many children, as well as adults, are suffering from the spirit of rejection because of what was told them by their parents.
Your parents produced you, but it was God who formed you. He created you with uniqueness, He didn’t create someone else like you, you are in class by yourself. No one has your fingerprints or footprints.
You were formed either as a male or female when you were created. If a male or female changes their gender by surgery, if a DNA test is taken, it would indicate what gender they are. Even when they have changed the outer parts inwardly, they would still be what God formed them to be when they were born.
No one else has your voice, and God can distinguish between your voice and someone else’s. You are His unique creation. So often, we try to prove our worth to others; our worth is greater than anyone can equivalent to us because a great God created us than mere words can ever express. Because He’s great, He created you with greatness.
Too many times, we allow the Adversary to bombard our minds with thoughts that make us look at ourselves less than what God has created us to be. If you think you’re a millionaire does not make you want one, which is the same thing with everything the Adversary would try to influence you to think of yourself.
Stop comparing yourself with others, stop trying to be like someone else, and be who God created you; when you do that, you will think better about yourself. You will be able to accomplish the goals you have for yourself because you’re not trying to complete the goals of someone you’re trying to be like.
God loves you so much until He created just one of you. No matter how someone else may try to talk like you or act like you, they can’t be you, and you can’t be someone else. God thinks you are good (How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them – Psalm 139:17). These thoughts weren’t just for David, but for you!
No matter what you have done or how many times you may have failed in life, God has not given up on you. His thoughts towards you are the same as they were when you were formed. Whether you’re a believer or nonbeliever, it does not change God’s thoughts towards you. He formed you even if you don’t believe there is a God!
Don’t allow others to make you feel the way they want you to be. Be what God created you to be: unique!