I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus – Philippians 3:14.
To press is to act on with steady force or weight, to push against, to urge persistently. Press is something that we as women must be compelled to do for ourselves. The problem is sometimes we focus on our past rather than focusing on our future.
There is nothing wrong with looking at the past when the past can assist you with your future goals whether than bringing you into depression and oppression. Past mistakes will assist one in not making that mistake again, hopefully, if they learned a lesson from it.
One can’t access their future if they’re continually rehearsing past mistakes, past hurts, past disappointments, past failures. Each of us has been acquainted with each of these, but the question is, will we allow your past to dictate your future? Allow the past to give you the tenacity to set goals for your future and to accomplish them one task at a time.
Make a conscious decision that you will not allow “I can”t to control your actions, if there is a will there will be an accomplishment. God has made the mind powerful, and if we can get it into our minds, the heart and the will enable us to do whatever our mind has purposed.
Don’t allow past relationships to keep you from allowing God to send the person He has for you rather than the one you chose. Allow past failures to be stepping stones to your success. If you have been offended or hurt by someone, forgive them and release them in order for you to get out of prison. They didn’t imprison you, you did it to yourself by continuing to hold on to unforgiveness and offenses.
Don’t allow someone that hurt you in the church to keep you from attending church or leaving your church home. Churches are filled with people that aren’t saved, they hurt and they will hurt others. Your focus should be where does God want me to attend and don’t allow hurting people to keep you from obeying God.
Your future can and will be better than your past when you leave the past and press towards your future!