Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, who mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee – Isaiah 26:3.
Many of us are under much pressure in today’s uncertain world. And how we react to that pressure determines whether we will succeed or fail. What do you do when you’re under pressure? Do you fold up and lose all hope?
The moment you experience a little adversity, do you come apart? This would be common for non-believers, but it shouldn’t be that way for Christians. Many professing Christians can’t handle pressure or adversity in their lives.
We’re okay if everything is going fine and the devil isn’t exerting too much. But the minute we encounter problems or things don’t fall into place; we go to pieces. Christians have been instructed to cast all of our cares on the Lord. Sometimes this is not easy to do, but we can do it.
Casting all of your care upon the Lord is what’s needed when we’re going through circumstances, dilemmas, and pressure. The next time you’re under pressure and you’re tempted to cave in, keep your focus on God, and remember how He made away and delivered you once before. He can do it again just as He then.
Focusing on the problem won’t do you any good; I’m not saying don’t face reality, it’s there, and you need to know that. Wishing it will go away will not resolve the problem; face it, then focus on the Problem Solver. Focusing on the problem will weaken your faith, but focusing on God will strengthen your faith.
You must replace negative thoughts with good and positive thoughts. Doubt has to be replaced with faith. Problems become small or great depending on the way you think about them. Satan wants you to keep looking at the problem rather than looking to God.
Focus on your potential in God; you probably don’t realize your potential in God. Although you can’t accomplish some things in your own strength, you can accomplish anything in God’s strength ( I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me – Philippians 4:13).
You’ve got to believe in yourself, “in God’, the “in God,’ part is what is important; that’s the part that will see you through any adversity. Don’t worry about how God’s going to do it; He’s the God who is Supernatural. He’s the God that speaks to nothing and brings about something. He’s the God that gives His peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding; rest in His peace, and allow Him to work in and on our behalf.
Focusing on what God is saying, God is talking all the time; are we listening when He speaks? He speaks verbally; He uses different avenues to speak to us, be alert and watchful of how He’s speaking to you. Talk to people about God; it will not only bless them but also help you focus on God and not what you’re going through.
It doesn’t matter how bleak your future looks; God is bigger; it doesn’t matter what anybody says; God is able to bring you through. It’s not about what people say but what God says; it’s not about what the circumstance or problem is saying; it’s about what God is saying.
Believe the report of the Lord. His report says, His thoughts toward you are not evil but good to bring you to an expected end!