But with thee will I establish My covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives with thee – Genesis 6:18.
Before God sent the flood, He instructed Noah to bring him and his family in the ark. He could have just bought Noah, but He knew Noah would be concerned about His family. What concerned Noah concerned God.
God had warned His people; they were given 120 years after the warning, before the judgment of the Flood actually came. God established His covenant with Noah by saving him and his family from the Flood that was going to come upon the earth and destroy every living thing.
God is still warning His people to repent and return to Him whole heartily. He’s still concerned about the family. You maybe the only one in your family that is saved by accepting Jesus as your Savior and Lord. It seem the more you pray, the more they stray.
Stay focus on God’s Word and not what you see in your family (And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house [household] – Acts 16:31). Although it was spoken by Apostle Paul, he was the messenger of God, and he only spoke and taught what God instructed him.
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy; his goal is to destroy your family. You have to be strong in faith and not give up on your spouse, children. Whether you’re know it or not, you’re in a war and its for the souls of your family.
You can’t play with Satan because he’s not playing; he wants your marriage destroyed, he wants your children, but you have to have a mindset that you will not allow him to destroy your marriage or your family.
God is faithful; just as you’re concerned about your family, God is also concerned and He will perfect that what concerns you. Be like Job and take your family to God on a daily bases. God has an appointed time for everyone; keep praying. You may not live to see your husband or children saved, but the prayers you have stored up with God will be answered.
Your husband is sanctified because of your sanctification, and your children are holy. Although they may not be living it now (For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; now are they holy – 1st Corinthians 7:14). This is why you must continual to believe God’s Word and pray until His promise comes to manifestation.
During Noah’s dispensation, God flood the earth because of humanities sin. This time it will be destroyed by fire. Live a lifestyle that God will hear your prayers and not turn a deaf ear. What you want to see in your marriage in your children, you have to pray for it, and its not a one time prayer!
Be persistent and consistent for your family; don’t give up because of what you see or hear. When you give up on your family, you’re handing them over to Satan.