The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly – John 10:10.
When a husband and wife, children and parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers have division and disunity, know that Satan is the cause of it. Division, confusion, faultfinding, everything that is manifesting opposite of God’s character is Satan in the midst of it!
Sadly, most Christians don’t think Satan is the accuser of the brethren, although the Bible says he is; he comes to steal, kill, and destroy marriages, families, and communities. Satan hates mankind and hates it when there is unity and love towards each other.
When God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil, Eve ate and then influenced her husband to eat. Satan influenced her, and she influenced her husband. Satan wanted to destroy the family unit, and he did so spiritually.
Adam and Eve were removed from the Garden of Eden because of their disobedience. Satan comes with thoughts; he targets the mind. Once he can get the mind, what’s in the mind will enter the heart, and when it enters the heart, actions are carried out.
Cain killed his brother because of jealousy; the spirit of jealousy opened the door to the spirit of murder, and Cain took the life of his brother. Adam and Eve lost two children, one by murder, and the other one was driven from them and the presence of God and became a fugitive and a vagabond.
He will not influence a Christian to kill anyone physically, but they will kill each other with words, killing a person’s character and good influence. He influences with offensives, and unforgiveness influences people with actions that cause others to hurt.
He influences women with depression, oppression, and suppression. He influences women to covet other women’s husbands. This is why it is so important for professing Christian women to be connected with God, allowing Him to show them what they are fighting against, and it’s not a person but a spirit.
God is for marriages; He ordained it. He created families, and He’s concerned about the family. Christian women should get God involved in their circumstances. Tell Him what’s going on, He already knows, and He wants you to tell Him. This means you’re trusting Him and not what you see or feel.
Did you know no weapon formed against you will not prosper? It does not mean the weapon will not be formed, but it will do what it was set out to do when you have God as your Father and His Word as your shield.
When you pray with persistence, the Father will teach you how to warfare against the enemy and not the person. Continue to pray for your spouse, children, family, and communities, no matter what it looks like. Don’t allow Satan to influence you that your prayers are not being heard. He’s telling you that because He knows God hears your prayers and will begin to answer them at His appointed time.
You’re fighting against a spirit you can’t see, one that is influencing you or someone close to you. Pray and speak to the atmosphere what you want it to become. For example, my marriage is blessed, and God is the head of it. My children are obedient, successful, and prosperous. My children and I have a good relationship. My community is prosperous, and its community is safe.
Words are actions, and they can be either positive or negative. Negative words are influenced by Satan. I’m not saying deny reality, use the Word of God on reality, and the influence and attacks of Satan.