
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised – Proverbs 31:30.

When we think of beauty, the first thing that comes to mind is facial beauty; people and advertisements make women feel that if they don’t have a certain color, size, height, or age, something is wrong with them, making them feel they’re not good enough.

Some women will go into a shell when they feel they don’t look the part, whereas some women will go to extremes to prove they are who they think they are. In both cases, insecurity plays a part. When you’re secure in yourself, you will not try to prove yourself to anyone because you know who you are and what you’re capable of doing; this is called confidence!

Sadly to say some women expose too much of themselves to get attention. You see it with entertainers and celebrities as well as with normal women. Wanting attention displays insecurity; insecurity has caused many to act out actions that when they come to themselves, they’re sorry for their actions. Satan will not allow them to forgive themselves even when they have asked God to forgive them.

Insecurity has made some take worthless men just to say they have a man. Others have spouses and boyfriends abusing them, but they stay with them because of insecurity. Insecurity will make one accept and do things that are detrimental to their well-being.

God created you, and He made you fearful and wonderfully; it does not matter about your skin tone or dress size; you’re beautiful. You don’t have to expose yourself to get attention. You don’t have to accept anything to make you feel like your are a woman.

Insecurity has made many suffer from depression, oppression, and suppression. All these are caused by thoughts that act out in our emotions. If you can think less of yourself, put that much energy into thinking good of yourself.

Did you know what you think of yourself will also cause others to think about you? Insecurity has caused some to be in competition with other women to prove they’re just as good or better. Causing them to go into financial problems, trying to keep up with someone else when they don’t have the means.

Be yourself, think good of yourself, and don’t allow insecurity to rule you!

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