
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband – 1st Corinthians 7:2.

To be deceived is hurtful; it’s agonizing when you place your trust in someone to find out they have deceived you. Although it hurts, the best thing you can do is forgive them and pray for them.

To be deceived on the spiritual side is to believe that there isn’t a God. There are many gods, but there is only one true God, which is the Creator of all living things.

Whether one believes there is a God or not, God has instructed us through His Word how to govern our lives. The first marriage was in the Garden of Eden. God created a woman and brought her to Adam. Adam called her a woman because God had created his wife from Adam’s rib.

God didn’t create a woman from the dust as He had done with Adam but from the rib of her husband. Marriage is considered holy by God. He ordained it; before God created Adam’s wife, God stated it was not good for man to be alone, so God created Adam a wife, a woman. One that will help him to reproduce humanity.

A man can’t reproduce by himself, nor can a woman reproduce by herself. It takes a woman and a man. Society is saying it’s okay to marry or date the same gender, but according to the Word of God, the Bible, God has instructed a man to be with a woman and a woman to be with a man, and this is in holy matrimony.

Whether we believe in God or not, God’s Word will always outweigh the majority because He is the majority. According to the Word of God, the wage of sin is death. Sickness, disease, and emotional and mental disorders are sometimes caused by rejecting God’s law.

Billions have been deceived to think God created them a man inwardly, but on the outside, they are a woman or vice versa. Some have gone as far as to change their gender to make them what they think they are inwardly.

Promiscuous individuals have slept with people they thought may have been a man, but in actuality, they were with a woman and vice-versa. Homosexuality, fornication, and adultery are sins one commits against one’s body.

The Bible instructs us when we have nonmarital sex, we are sinning against our own body. Our bodies do not belong to us; we belong to God, whether we are believers or nonbelievers, He created us, and He has given us instructions on how He wants us to govern ourselves.

Jesus died for us to have life. When we accepted Him as our Savior, we became the body of Christ, and because we are in the body of Christ, single people need to ask God for help in maintaining their bodies until God blesses them with a spouse. You can’t control yourself without the help of God!

Many married couples have been deceived to believe if they pair up with other couples, there’s nothing wrong with it because they both are married, and each couple has agreed to swap spouses. According to God’s law, it’s still adultery because it’s nonmarital sex with someone other than the spouse. We can’t go outside of God’s commandments and think He will bless our mess. God gave the gift of sex, but it’s meant for a husband and wife, between a man and a woman.

Some ministers are teaching how much God loves us, and yes, God does love us, but He doesn’t love our sin, nor does He condone it. God has given us instructions to live by, and it’s our responsibility to read and follow His by-laws. Just because we don’t know the bylaws does not keep us from being exempt from the discipline that comes with sin.

Some Christians want to point out homosexuality, but whatever we’re doing, if it takes away from what God has instructed us to live by, it’s considered a sin. Don’t be deceived. If you really want to know whether or not there is a God, if you seek Him honestly, He will reveal Himself to you.

Once you encounter God and give yourself unreserved to Him, you will not have trouble submitting yourself to His laws and commandments and waiting for Him to give you a spouse. That’s not an urge you can have that you can’t tell God about and get His help to resist the urge.

We were all deceived at one time or another, but Jesus came into our lives, and He and the Father forgive us. What you did in the past is in the past. God will not bring what you did in the past to your remembrance, but Satan will.

Seek to please God; there is no weakness in your life that God will not enable you to conquer. He wants you to live a life that pleases Him. Pickup your bow-down head and bowed spirit, and believe God. Confess your sins to Him, and He will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness (If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1st John 1:9).

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