But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore, he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself – Daniel 1:8.
As Christian women, our lifestyle should be different than non-believers. Rather than being different, many are living the same lifestyle, yet calling on the name of Jesus, but not with a pure heart.
Daniel was a teenager when he and his companions were taken from Jerusalem into captivity in Babylon. As a teenager, Daniel was determined to live by God’s law in a foreign land. The king appointed them a daily provision from the king’s table of different meats and wine that the king himself drank.
Because Daniel had committed himself to God, he would not eat the food the king had appointed. They were to eat this food three years before standing before the king. Daniel and his companions were given godly names before their capture, but after being in captivity in Babylon, the king changed their names.
Daniel’s birth name was Daniel, meaning God Is My judge. His Babylon name was Belteshazzar, Bel Will Protect. Hananiah, God Is Gracious to Shadrach, Inspiration of the Sun. Mishael, God Is Without Equal to Meshach, Belonging to Aku. Azariah, The Lord Is My Helper to Abednego, Servant of Nego.
These four teenagers were trained to serve God and to serve Him only. They didn’t allow their captivity or name changed to make them disobey the laws of God. To live a life as a Christian woman, you have to dare to be different.
The world will try to influence you to look like them and act like them, and they will change your name from Christian to hypocrite if you allow them. You don’t have to show every part of your body to be attractive. You don’t want to be sexually attractive; that’s for your husband and not for other men to look and lust after.
There is nothing wrong with wearing make-up; put enough on to enhance your beauty and not like a woman of the night. False lashes enhance the eyes, but when they are too long and large, they disfigure the beauty of what the lashes should bring about.
Christian women are in the world, but they are not of the world. They have been brought with a price, and they should act like they have. Christian women represent the kingdom of God’s holiness. You have been created in beauty, fearfully, and wonderfully made.
God’s eyes are everywhere, beholding the good and the bad. Don’t put a spot in your Christian garment because you want to be like the world. You’re not to love the world or the things that are in the world, according to the Bible.
God will bless your stand for what He has instructed you to be, dare to be different, and receive the blessings of God in this world and the kingdom that is coming!