Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust, also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass – Psalm 37:5.
One of the greatest problems in not receiving an answer to prayer is we have to learn to make a total commitment to God’s Word and learn to completely commit each problem in life to the Lord in faith.
In actuality, there can be faith without commitment. The kind of faith that perseveres is the faith that stays committed to the integrity of God’s written Word, the Bible. What does it mean to have persevering faith in God and His Word? The word “trust” in Psalm 37:5 is an Old Testament word for faith. The word “trust” is used approximately 107 times just in the Old Testament, not even speaking about the New Testament.
The word “trust” in Hebrew can also be rendered to take refuge; have confidence; believe, and stay upon. The first part of the Scripture reads “commit”, to commit literally means to roll. In other words, if we commit something to the Lord, that means we completely roll it upon Him with utter confidence that it’s going to be taken care of.
For example, if your car broke down and you take it to a mechanic facility for repair, you would be committing it to the mechanic’s care. If they said I can repair it, it will be ready in a couple of days. You would return in a couple of days with the expectation that your car would be repaired. You wouldn’t be worried that day after dropping it off whether or not it would be repaired after they have told you it would be repaired. You wouldn’t be calling the mechanic the next day asking, Do you still have my car, is it repaired yet? No, you would have confidence in the mechanic’s ability to repair your car.
How much more confidence should we have in the Lord, the One we call El Shaddai, the God who is more than enough, the One that has said, ask in My Name and it shall be given to you. Yet many of us will pray about something and commit it to the Lord, and then question Him about it day after day, that’s not faith, that doubt, and unbelief.
If you left your car at the mechanic shop and someone asked you “Where is your car?”, you would tell them, “It’s at the mechanic being repaired” Likewise when you pray to God about a problem or a need. The same confidence you had in the mechanic, have the same confidence in God.