Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them – Mark 11:24.
Whenever you pray, believe that God will hear your prayers. Sometimes your prayers may not be answered quickly, but they will be answered when you believe.
Prayer is important if we want to see a change in our circumstances. The adversary will try to influence you to think that God does not care or will not answer your prayers. God is concerned about everything that concerns you. He will not get your prayers mixed up with anyone else’s prayers.
Just because God has not answered your prayer, don’t stop; continue to pray until you receive an answer. Jesus gave a parable about an unjust judge who didn’t fear God, and he didn’t fear man. A woman came to him and asked if he would avenge her of her adversary. The unjust judge wouldn’t do anything for a while, but after the woman continued to go to him, asking him to avenge her of her adversary, the unjust judge said to himself, because the woman continued to go to him, she weary him, he avenged her. Jesus said, “And the Lord said, hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cries day and night unto him, though he bears long with them”.
We all have an adversary that wants to keep our prayers from being answered, but Jesus defeated him over two thousand years ago. Jesus came to give life and give it more abundantly. He came to save you from everything and everyone that would try to stop the plan of God for your life.
God is greater than an enemy that comes to destroy your peace, to destroy your health, wealth, and family. Crying about it will not move God, but your prayers will. The Bible does not promise we would not have days of trouble and difficulties, but He did promise that He would deliver us from them all. Have faith in God and not what you’re going through.
The adversary wants you to give up because he knows without faith, we can’t please God, and neither will we get our prayers answered. Sometimes, God has us wait because we’re not ready or mature enough to receive an answer to our prayers, or He’s still working on our prayer requests.
If God will not answer our prayers, Jesus would never have instructed us to pray by asking in His Name (And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son – John 14:13). God has unconditional love for His people even for those who reject Him, deny Him, when they are in need, He supplies their needs.
Whatever you’re praying for, don’t lose faith; believe and continue to pray until your prayer has been answered. Be like the woman and the unjust judge.