
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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God has created us with amazing minds to create or accomplish whatever we set our minds to. Sometimes, we may fail one or two times, but if we continue to focus on what we want to accomplish, we will succeed.

Many have given up on their dreams because they have failed on many occasions; without failure, there would be no progress. Many inventors, scientists, and business people have failed at one time or another, but they didn’t allow their failure to keep them from accomplishing what they dreamed of.

Hinderance and delays will come, but you have to focus on what you want to succeed in and not what you failed in. Your desires came from God; He planted them in your mind and heart, and since He has planted them, He will make sure they come to manifestation; all you have to do is keep trying and establish them.

George Washington Carver was an agricultural chemist famous for improving the lives of poor farmers through new farming methods and discovering 300 different uses for peanuts. Sarah Boone was a dressmaker who made her name by inventing the modern-day ironing board. Patricia Bath was an African American ophthalmologist who invented the device and method for cataract surgery.

God placed these inventions in the hearts of these individuals. God is the One who places things in our hearts to carry them out. We don’t know how often they had to improve their inventions before introducing them to the public. They may have had many failures before succeeding.

God instructed Noah to build a boat as large as a football field. Can you imagine the ridicule he received? But rather than listening to what he heard, he continued to build on what God had placed in his heart. His obedience saved his family, bringing another generation after the flood. You can’t imagine how many people would be blessed by what God has placed in your heart.

When a desire arises in your heart to do something, don’t dismiss the thought or the feeling. Pray and ask God to help you carry out the passion He has placed in your heart and mind. You may have doubts, and people will try to talk you out of doing what is in your heart. Don’t listen to the doubt or the people; go with your feelings.

If you fail while trying to accomplish your dream, let it be a stepping stone. Continue to move towards accomplishing what’s in your heart. In your failure, God will either teach you why you failed so that when you try it again, you will not fail, or He will give you a bigger and better dream to accomplish, and you will succeed. Although God placed the desire in you, acknowledge God with your dreams, invite Him in, and He will lead and direct you on accomplishing your dream.

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