And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint Luke 18:1.
Prayer is needed when we’re in need and when others are in need. God will not move until He hears someone praying!
Elohim, The Sovereign and Mighty Creator, we come before You today, thanking You for Your goodness and mercy. Thank You for Your unconditional love; thank You for Your provision, Your protection, and wellness.
As we come before You today, we ask for forgiveness for any sins we may have committed against You. Help us to know where we have sinned; help us that we will not continue in that sin or sins. We come before You today asking that You would console those who have lost loved ones. We pray that You will give them peace that surpasses all human understanding.
We ask for Your protection upon us and our loved ones. Keep us safe wherever we go; help us to use wisdom to where we go. Have mercy upon the children; we pray every child’s angel that stands before You, that the angel will be sent to that child to keep them from all harm whatever form it comes.
We pray for those who held against their wills; we pray that You would deliver them from their captors. We pray for those who are being abused that You would deliver them from their abusers. We pray for marriages to be healed and whole. We pray for families to be reunited and in harmony.
We pray for our world leaders to revere You and Your Word. We pray that You would give them hearts seeking the people’s best interest. Give them wisdom and strategies for the world’s problems. Protect those traveling, and give them traveling mercies to reach their destiny safely.
We pray that You would keep these United States safe from all forms of wars and attacks. We pray that the United States will return to” “In God We Trust”. Have mercy on the homeless and open doors of housing and shelters for them.
Protect those with childlike minds. Provide energy and rest for the caregivers. Remove unjust judges and crooked politicians, policemen, and lawyers. Place them with godly men and women who will do righteousness to Your people.
Deliver us from the actions of the world; create in us godliness and righteousness; we ask these prayers in Jesus’ Name, Amen!