A seed shall serve Him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation – Psalm 22:30.
Society calls this generation a lost generation, but it’s not lost, and they can’t be hidden from God. Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and aunts are responsible for teaching their children.
This generation is talked about as though there isn’t any hope. The same God that saved you can save your children. The generation has changed, but God has not changed. Jesus came to save the lost, including this generation!
Practice starts at home; children are taught to have good manners, be respectful of others, and grow up to be good citizens. Spirituality should also be taught, but too many times, because the parents aren’t living as Christians, they can’t teach their children because they don’t have a relationship with God. Then, it’s those who don’t practice what they preach.
Parents are an example to their children; our lifestyle will draw them to God or from God. When parents used to pray with their children and have Bible Study with their children, they didn’t see or hear about the killing and disrespect for lives as we see and hear now.
This generation desperately needs someone to stand in the gap for them, and it should be the parent. Someone fasted and prayed us through to the family of God, and we, as parents and grandparents, Christians, must persist in praying and fasting for this generation to see a change.
God does not move until He hears someone praying; it does not take four or five hours of prayer for God to hear. A second prayer is heard when we pray from our hearts. Take time out to fast for your children as well as others.
Children are taught how to sing secular songs, bump, and grind, but who is teaching them how to reach God? There is safety being in the hands of God and His Son. Teach them about God even when you don’t think they are listening. You’re planting a seed, and a seed grows.
So many parents are taking their children everywhere but church. There is a safety being among those who are sanctified Christians. This generation is not lost, all they need is someone to be honest, caring, and praying for them.