
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

Be Aware Of Your Thoughts

Finally. brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things – Philippians 4:8.

We’re constantly thinking whether we notice it or not, especially when we don’t have something capturing our attention. Sometimes we reflect and meditate on things that are not good for us mentally or emotionally.

To conquer our emotions, we must first pay attention to what we’re thinking about. Most arguments between wives and husbands are not about something that happened recently but something that happened in the past.

If the problem was addressed, it shouldn’t continue to be in your thoughts and bring disunity between you and your spouse, children, or friends. We will not forget what someone said or did because our brain is like a computer; it stores words and things we see or feel.

Sometimes what we watch on television can trigger thoughts and feelings, as well as what we listen to. Women suffer from depression more than men. Most women hold on to thoughts that hurt them rather than reflecting and letting them go, whereas men say what needs to be said, and they will be through with it.

God has empowered you to control your thoughts; just because the thought comes does not mean you must continue to dwell on it. When you notice the thought, dismiss it, and think of something positive.

If its something you need to confront, confront it and release the thought. It’s been taken care of; there is no need to continue to dwell on it. Whether you’re a believer or non-believer, Satan will try to bomard your mind with thoughts that bring depression, suppression, and oppression.

God will never bring thoughts to remove you from your peace. He will never continue to rehearse thoughts repeatedly; remember, the thoughts that come to your mind constantly didn’t come from God but Satan.

Even when a thought comes to your mind that someone doesn’t like you or is talking about you. Do you have proof they don’t like you or they’re talking about you? Sometimes these thoughts are brought about because of our insecurity and Satan.

These thoughts will cause you not to seek friendship or receive information from them that would benefit you; thoughts can make you miss your blessing. Thoughts will keep you by yourself because you don’t trust people.

Thoughts can keep you from not receiving promotions because you think you’re not qualified. Thoughts will keep you from purchasing a home or starting a business because you think you will never have a home or a business.

Pay attention to what you’re thinking; what you’re thinking does not mean that’s who you are, or it will not work for you. If you’re a Christian, fill your mind with the Word of God, so when thoughts come that are not of God, cast them down with the Word of God.

Thoughts can be improving, and they can also be detrimental; what are you thinking?

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