For as much then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin – 1st Peter 4:1.
People do not want to discuss suffering and try to avoid it as much as possible. The reality is that we will suffer in life at one time or another, no matter how we might not talk about it or deny it.
Prosperity teachers and bless me ministries have people believing that because you’re a Christian, you will not suffer or have no hardship, but this doctrine contradicts the Holy Bible doctrine. Yes, God’s thoughts toward you are good, and He will bring you to an expected end, but somewhere you will encounter suffering.
Suffering is not always sickness, as some think; suffering comes mentally, emotionally, relational, financially as well as physically. Just because you say “Jesus” will not make it disappear or keep you from experiencing it.
Just because you experience suffering does not mean you have committed a sin; well-known people in the Bible suffered and had not committed sin, but it gave them spiritual growth. Don’t blame yourself because you may be experiencing suffering, and don’t allow Christian brothers and sisters in the church to influence you that you have sinned when you know you haven’t.
Job was a just man, loved God, and hated evil. Job lived a godly life before God but suffered because of his righteousness. God allowed Satan to attack him; Satan couldn’t have attacked him unless God gave him permission. It’s the same with you; Satan can’t attack you unless God gives him permission.
Like Job, you must know your Redeemer lives, and He will help you to walk through this difficult season in your life. To gain wisdom and knowledge both naturally and spiritually, you must encounter things that will produce wisdom and knowledge. Neither one of these is just dropped in your life; you get them through experiences.
Just as Jesus suffered without sin, you will suffer as well, so you’re admonished to face reality. It will come, but when it comes, it does not have to destroy you but give you building blocks. Face it, and ask the Father to walk you through it; ask Him what you are to learn from what you’re going through. Then rest in Him, that He will give you better days.
Your suffering is not in vain; it is to glorify God, and give you a reward if you endure to the end.