
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

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Pray without ceasing – 1st Thessalonians 5:17.

To get an answer to prayer, first, we must have faith; secondly, we must stop praying for whatever we’re praying for.

We live in a world that lives quickly and in a hurry. Homemade meals are a thing of the past for some families; they eat fast foods or eat at restaurants. Weight loss can be gained by surgery or a pill rather than exercise and being cautious of what we eat.

The dictionary is a thing of the past; we can basically google anything and get an answer quickly. Sadly, many think an answer to prayer is the same way. God does not always answer prayers instantly, and He doesn’t answer us on our timing but on His timing. Just because He had not answered the prayer when you assumed He should have does not mean He will not answer your prayer.

Faith is built in waiting for an answer to prayer; patience is given when waiting. We also learn persistence when waiting on an answer to our prayer. Sometimes you may have to pray for weeks, months, and years for some prayers to be answered.

False teaching says you don’t have faith if you pray more than once. The Bible has never instructed us to pray once, and don’t pray for the same thing anymore. Faith is when you continue to pray for something when you have not received the answer.

As you continue to pray, your faith grows, and your relationship with the Father is built. Don’t get weary in your waiting; you shall reap if you don’t faint. When praying for a certain thing, it is not always wise to tell someone else what you’re believing God for if their faith is not where your faith is. Their negative faith will cancel your faith.

Waiting can be challenging, but don’t give up! Pray when you don’t feel like praying; pray when the adversary says God will not answer your prayer. Your faith and persistence praying will get you an answer to your prayers!

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