And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint [lose heart] – Luke 18:1.
Prayer is just as important as needing oxygen to breathe; without it, we would suffocate and die. This is why so many people are spiritually dead, and sin suffocates them to death.
Prayer is not just for our benefit, but it’s for the benefit of others. We’re admonished to pray for those who have authority over us. Our prayers should be for God to give them wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to govern this world and to have the people’s best interests at heart.
Praying for single parents to be encouraged and for God supplying their needs. Praying for those needing employment, housing, and marriages to be healed and well. Prayer is important for every area of our lives, yet people will not take the time to pray.
A lot of things happening in the world would not be happening; if those professing to be Christian would pray. The prayers of a righteous woman availeth much in the kingdom of God; He will hear their prayers and answer them.
Although God is God, He will only move when we ask Him to get involved in our personal affairs as well as world affairs. He said to ask, and it shall be given, so if we’re not asking, He’s not giving. Prayer is needed when our minds and hearts are fearful and doubting. Prayer increases our faith in God and gives us the desire to live according to His Word so that our prayers would be answered.
A practicing sinner’s prayers would not be answered unless the righteous are interceding for the sinner. Millions are dying daily; are we praying for souls to be saved? Are we praying that God would turn the hearts of His people back to Him?
There is a hell just like there is a heaven, and more are entering into hell than heaven because they denied Jesus; they rejected salvation or lived as carnal Christians. Prayer is needed for people to live according to God’s instructions if they want to enter heaven!
God is waiting for professing Christians to refocus, stop living according to the world’s actions and standards, and live according to His written instructions. Prayer assists us in refocusing; it assists us to be conformed to God’s Word whether than be conformed to the world. Prayer not only changes things, but it also changes us!