
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

Label With Its Alwaya A Good Time To Begin

And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint – Luke 18:1.

Women have so many roles and not enough time to play all the roles they have been given. One thing to always keep in mind is to spend time with the Father. Prayer changes circumstances and will change you as you continue to meet with the Father.

All prayers aren’t answered immediately, but because they’re not answered immediately doesn’t mean you stop praying for your child or whatever it is that you want the Father to do for you. The answer to your prayer depends on how badly you want it and how long you will pray for it! Now, we know God will not answer a prayer that does not coincide with His Word.

Whether single or married, with children or no children, prayer is much needed. Women are vessels God uses to birth spiritual babies. As we present our bodies as living sacrifices, you will begin to feel the presence of God; you will hear Him giving you instructions, and you will also feel Him leading you in what to do or not do.

God will give you wisdom and knowledge in any given circumstance. God looks for those who will be faithful and willing to learn, and it’s usually women that are His vessels that He uses. Women will pray and contend for the faith that was once given to the saints. Men will not pray like women, nor do they have the persistence as women. If a woman wants something, she will not give up until she has it, and it’s the same way with prayer.

You may be experiencing tiredness, don’t give up; continue to pray and place your faith and trust in God and His Word. Whether you know it or not, many are in need of your prayers and your consistency. Pray until you see a change in the circumstance until the prayer has been answered.

As you make a to-do list, include a time of prayer. Never get so busy that you can’t spend time with the Father. Prayer not only changes situations and circumstances, but prayer changes us. We can’t continue to pray, and He doesn’t change us.

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