He that covereth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy – Proverbs 28:13.
Sometimes as Christian women, we fall in our Christian walk with the Lord; because we have fallen from grace, we become ashamed. We don’t tell God about our failure, although He already knows. He’s just waiting for us to confess what we did.
Sexual sin has influenced many professing Christians; the influence didn’t come from God. God will never influence one to do something that is against His written Word. Sadly to say, sexual sin is not being ministered over the pulpit as it was years ago, and because it’s not taught, congregants feel they can indulge because of grace.
First of all, grace is not giving the permit for one to practice or indulge in sin, but it keeps one from receiving the wrath of God because of disobedience (Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body – 1st Corinthians 6:18). As Christian women, we’re aware the Bible instructs the believer to abstain from sexual gratification if they’re not married; but sometimes some will fall from grace. When we sin, to reconcile our relationship with God, we must confess our sin, whether sexual or any other sin. Sin is sin in God’s eyesight, He does not categorize sin.
As a Christian, you have an Advocate; Jesus is going to the Father on your behalf. He’s pleading with the Father for you. This is not for you to continue in sin but to repent; meaning you will no longer indulge in that sin. You may have trouble trying to detach yourself from practicing, but when there is a will God will make the way.
Saying to stop is easier said than done, especially when one has been practicing for a while, on and off. There is help if you want to present yourself to God in the beauty of holiness. God wants you to present yourself holy to Him just as much as you desire to, but you are having the can’t help it, and need deliverance.
First of all, acknowledge your sin, and ask for forgiveness (If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1st John 1:9). Tell God your weakness and ask for His help and deliverance. Seek out godly women at your church you can confide in; you can’t tell everyone in the church because some are weak in their walk with the Lord and will make you feel worse than you already do, and they will spread the news. You have confessed your sin and have asked for forgiveness, you don’t need anyone making you feel guilty.
So, find women that will go to God on your behalf for your weakness, and no one else. Set aside a time you will meet with God in prayer, and set a day that you will fast for your deliverance. Ask the person you confide in if they will pray and fast with you until you receive deliverance.
Seek out godly women you can call and be accountable to when you feel the urge; ones that will pray with you and strengthen you while you’re going through the moment of sexual craving. Abstaining from watching television programs that influence sexual gratification. Don’t be alone in the dark, meeting in secret places with the one you know that can influence you to go against godly principles. You can’t be kissing and touching and don’t think a fire will start.
You’re not having issues in your body that God is unaware of. He created that desire to be with your spouse. You can tell God what you’re feeling in a tactful way, and ask for His help in times of craving. He’s your Heavenly Father and you can tell Him exactly what you’re feeling in your body, and He will empower you to feel but not carry out the action; God is not going to remove the desire.
You can live a life of abstinence, and God is willing to help you when you confess and seek His help.