And He said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law – Deuteronomy 32:46.
The children of Israel had been delivered out of the hands of Pharaoh and the Egyptians, they were on their way to the Promise Land when God gave Moses the laws He wanted His people to adhere to.
Today’s Christians think because we’re no longer living under the Old Testament the Law has been abolished because of the New Testament. Jesus stated, that He had not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it. The word “Law” in Biblical terms is a commandment, statute, ordinance, or judgment.
For the formative period of Israelite history, before Moses and the Exodus from Egypt, the lives of God’s people were regulated by the customs and traditions of tribal law. God gave His laws to Moses to give to His people, the Word of God is His Law, it never changes neither does He.
God gave Moses a commandment to give to His people; the Ten Commandments were about the relationship between God and His people, and the sanctity of the family, life, and marriage. The sanctity of property, and is related to false charges and truth, and the sanctity of motives; all of these laws are still in effect today as it was in the Old Testament.
God’s law was to protect His people from themselves; because these laws have not been instilled in this generation, many in this generation have become godless. God instructed His people to teach their children His laws, sadly, to say God is not mentioned in the majority of homes. The laws of God keep a healthy relationship in the family when God is at the forefront.
When children are taught to honor their mother and father, as they adhere to the teaching, the children lived a long life because God has promised it to obedient children. Adultery would not have attacked many marriages if the Word of God was honored in the home between husband and wife and thievery wouldn’t be as prevalent.
A family makes up neighborhoods, and when families begin to place God at the forefront, neighborhoods will be better, crime will stop, discrimination would be abolished, and we would begin to see the hand of God moving on the behalf of families, neighborhoods, cities, and states. Where God is not wanted, God will not be in the midst.