
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

Time To Forgive Clock Forget Absolve Reconcile Sorry 3d Illustra

And When you stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses – Mark 11:24.

The hardest thing for most people is to forgive someone that has hurt or wronged them; the problem is when we don’t forgive others neither will our heavenly Father forgive us.

To forgive or not forgive is a choice everyone has been given by God. He has made each of us a free-will agent, so He’s not going to go against our will if we chose to not forgive someone, but if we don’t forgive, neither will God forgive us. Unforgiveness brings about mental, emotional, and health issues when we hold on to unforgiveness. We tell ourselves it’s okay to hold on to unforgiveness, the person or persons shouldn’t be forgiven, not realizing it hinder and stop our prayers from being answered.

Unforgiveness opens doors to torment such as oppressing, depression, and suppression; feeling as though you’re defeated in life. Sometimes health issues are due to unforgiveness and holding on to the offensive. When we forgive, it makes us free in our spirit, wellness in our health, and opens the door for our prayers to be answered. Unforgiveness is disobedience, and just like a parent when our children disobey us we don’t give them what they want because we discipline them, and God disciplines His children when they disobey His instructions.

To forgive is easily said than done, but when we tell the Father what we really feel about a person, and we need His help to forgive the person, God will give us the heart to forgive because we have turned our will over to Him and allow Him to place in our heart what He has instructed us to do. When we confess our sin to Him, He, in turn, cleanses our heart (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1st John 1:9). Unforgiveness is sin, and we need to acknowledge it for what it is. We can go to God and tell Him about everything that is in our hearts and spirits that we can’t tell others. A lot of the baggage we’re holding we need to tell God about it so He can free us from the baggage.

God knows your sin, you need to acknowledge whatever sin you’re practicing in order to receive freedom. God will not help you when you are not truthful to yourself. There is not a sin you’re practicing that is too big for God to free you from. There is no little sin in your life that God does not want to free you from. We categorize sin, but God does not; anytime we stray from His instructions, we’re practicing sin. We need to do a daily examination of ourselves to see whether or not we have sinned against God, and if we have, we need to confess it and ask God for help to stop it.

God loves you, but just like a parent, He will not tolerate disobedience! Forgiving someone can be hard when we continue to rehearse what they said or what they did; the adversary keeps whispering in your ear because he knows when you disobey God by not forgiving that will block your relationship with God and this will give him the opportunity to taunt, depress, and oppress you. He knows the prayers you prayed will not be answered.

Sometimes in order to forgive from the heart, speak out loud into the atmosphere “I forgive”, speak the person’s name; if you speak it long enough, eventually, it will begin to penetrate your heart and spirit. It’s better to forgive than not forgive!

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