
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

Portrait Of Happy Family In Park

And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about that Job sent and sanctified them and rose up in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts, Thus did Job continually – Job 1:5.

A bridge is an elevated structure to provide a way across, it’s something that provides a connection. This is what your prayer does for your non-believing loved ones.

Job was a man that loved God and he hated sin. Daily he would do a sacrificial offering to God for his children. Job was a spiritual man and he was sensitive to sin and its consequent need for sacrifice. He regularly did a burnt offering for the sins his children may have committed against God.

Many Christians have children that are non-believers or they worship God in a religious manner rather than serving Him in spirit and in truth. Religious worship is carnal and it’s just as bad as a non-believer because they chose to adhere to certain Scriptures of the Bible rather than submitting and following the instructions given them to live as a Christian.

As a Christian, you should pray for your children daily and especially when you are aware that they are not serving and worshipping God the way He has instructed. It does not matter what they are doing, it does not matter how long you have been praying for them and have not seen a manifestation of a change. Continue to pray for them, you are the bridge that will lead them to God.

God hears your prayers and it will be Him that will draw them by His Spirit living within you. You may not see the answer to your prayer in your lifetime, but God will answer the prayer, it may be at your transitioning or at your home-going, but the prayer will be answered. It does not manner when they will receive salvation as long as they receive it.

God spoke by holy men He had chosen, and the promise was not just for the Jews, but for the spiritual Jew that not only would God save you, but He would save your household (And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house – Acts 16:31). This was not just a one-time prayer for those that were in prison during that dispensation. But it is for all that were in prison in the bondage of sin and were released by their faith in Jesus and their exception to the rule of the handbook called the Bible.

When you accepted salvation this was also a bridge for your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to come across. Continue to pray for them, continue to be a godly mentor to them, continue to let them see a true Christian, Whether you know it or not, your children recognize those that are truly committed to God even though they may not want it at this time.

Your prayers and fasting for your children are not in vain, your prayers have gone before God and He will answer the prayers. The best practice is to establish the Word of God in them when they are old enough to repeat words. If they can repeat cartoon songs, they can repeat Scriptures. Get Scriptures embedded in their mind, heart, and spirit.

Place your faith in God’s Word, not what you see manifesting in your children. His Words over-rule what Satan is trying to bring about. Continue to pray for your children until you see the manifestation or until you leave this world to meet the Father, and His Son!

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