
Helping Women Build their Faith and Relationship with God

Red Stamp Counterfeit

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him – Genesis 2:18.

God’s ideal plan for marriage is one man for one woman for a lifetime. God’s pattern for marital happiness is evident when a man loves and leads his family with children who will obey and reverence their parents. Sadly, to say many have fathered children, haven’t married the mother, nor are they taking care of the children they have produced.

The first man and woman were in the Garden of Eden, God created woman for man and brought her to him, and Adam called his wife Eve. Eve was not a friend with benefits; she was his wife, and because of their union as husband and wife, God blessed them, although they both disobeyed Him by eating the forbidden fruit.

God did not want Adam to be alone, so He made him a helpmeet. Just because God wanted Adam to have a helpmeet does not mean He wants you to have one. Sometimes, God’s desire is not for you to be married. He wants you to Himself to minister to His people without hindrance. As they were in the Garden of Eden, God wanted them to be together as husband and wife. Just as God knew Adams was alone, He’s aware of many women who are alone and desire a man but haven’t given a thought about having a husband.

Whether you’re a believer or non-believer, God is aware of your desire and willingness to give you a husband, not just a male. Every male is not a man, and every man that speaks the Scriptures does not mean he is the one God has for you. God is aware you want a husband, and so does Satan; Satan will send the one that he knows that will seduce you and get you out of the will of God.

Sexual gratification before marriage is not in the will of God. God is very much aware of our desires as women, and He has also given us the empowerment to bring our bodies subject to the Word of God as women professing to be Christians. When we don’t wait on God, we bring hurts and pains we have to endure because we didn’t wait on God or apply Biblical principles

It’s not in God’s plan for anyone to be married to someone they wished they never married, nor is it in His plan for a mother to have children without a husband to be there to assist in raising children. God’s heart goes out to those that are raising children by themselves; it was not His will for them to do so.

To receive the blessings of God, one must prepare themselves for a husband. First, pray and seek God if it’s His will for you to be married. Wait and listen for an answer, don’t allow your spirit to talk to you; when one wants something bad enough, they will listen to their spirit and the spirit of Satan to give them permission for what they want, and they will say it was God!

The first commitment is to be submitted to God; then you can expect God to keep His promise (Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass – Psalm 37:4-5). As professing Christians, as you give God your best, He will give you His best.

God will never give you someone you wish you never met, but your spirit and Satan will. Don’t be fooled and accept the counterfeit when God will give you His best.

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